Friday, June 5, 2015

My Weight Loss Journey

Some people hear that I weighed 171 lbs at one point and gasp. I have not always been small! (remember I'm 5 feet tall!)

I was an athlete my entire life... but freshman 15 got me pretty bad (yikes!!). I gained that plus a little more my freshman year in college (pic on the left).

I was 14 hours away from my family, and food was comfort for me.

Even though I was a collegiate athlete, I would go to food when I was happy, sad, studying... everything. I was super self conscious, tired ALL THE TIME, and had a VERY unhealthy view of food.

When I got married I felt the best I had EVER felt at 120 lbs. I felt confident, I had energy, and I felt strong. Not skinny... but strong!! (which is WAY more important to me than skinny.)

When I got pregnant, the lbs came on quickly. I weighed 171 lbs the day I had my first son. I realized it was a BLESSING but a LOT OF WORK to take care of a baby & I was VERY uncomfortable carrying around that extra weight.

I could feel it weighing on me in all areas of my life.

Then, I lost ALL my baby weight in 3 months with Insanity and Shakeology, just to put it right back on again with the birth of my 2nd child. I ate super clean this pregnancy and still gained 50 lbs!

That brings me to today.

9 months after the birth of my 2nd son and I have been able to hike up mountains, run races, do pull ups (never could pre-kids!), become an Insanity instructor, also start and COMPLETE 3 more Beachbody programs!!

I have stretch marks (that I will cherish forever) and saggy skin, but feeling confident has bled into my other God given responsibilities that I have and that's to be the best wife and mom that I can be.

I feel confident.

I can chase my kids.

I can run at the pool and not feel like sitting on the sideline.

It's NOT about skinny for me... it's about being the best version of MYSELF that I can be for my husband and my kids.

And what was the game changer???
The decision to start. That's all.

Did I need to have a personal training degree? no
Did I need to know all the macros needed & how many oz of chicken to eat in order to burn through the fat of the breakfast I just had. um, no.
Did I need a gym membership? no
Did I need to invest hundreds of dollars in stuff that never worked? no (but I'm sure I have.)

All I did was spend $160 on 30 days of Shakeology and a workout program and actually FOLLOWED THE MEAL PLAN to see the results I wanted.

Motivation + Accountability with my challengers = SUCCESS.

PLUS the lifelong friendship I've made from mommies all around the world is PRICELESS to me.

Thank you JESUS for allowing me to find my PASSION & to be able to always pay it forward to other mommies, both physically and financially, for their family. 

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