Wednesday, April 9, 2014

My workout program update!

This program ----> back on sale by popular demand!!! 

Our bodies speak to us!! And this program did WONDERS for me in a short amount of time. 

I am human. 
I'm a busy mom. 
I have a family... and a life.
I have precious time I can't waste.

So I need a program that is EFFECTIVE and able to give me results without taking an eternity.

So I'm going back to what I know has worked..... and that is THIS.

I have several already joining me. 50 days. 25 minutes of your day. GREAT recipes included.

MOMS---- this is perfect for you. No equipment needed. Bands come with it. AND 30 days of Shakeology.

Fill this little app out if you want more info!

** If you are pregnant I DO NOT recommend starting a workout program unless you have talked to your Dr. first!

But I would LOVE for you to consider joining us! It's proven that when you have extra motivation... you STICK WITH IT! 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

I'm hoping you end up different

Hello 2nd Trimester...

This pregnancy has been VERY different from the first in many ways. 

First of all, I was SICK from the beginning. First trimester was a monster to me. Never experienced that with Kyson, but it was FAR from enjoyable. 

I went from working out every day to starting my workout, going to get sick... then laying on the couch the rest of the day trying not to move so I wouldn't get sick again. 

I swore it was a girl. 

We came up with girl names, girl room ideas, even decided how we were planning on rearranging rooms so we could have a co-ed play room. 

Then at 19 weeks.... we saw something that did NOT look like a girl. 

SHOCKED was the word... but as Matt jumped up and down in the ultrasound, room pointing to how we knew it was a boy, and trying to explain why he was acting so crazy to Kyson, tears ran down my face as secretly... I loved being a boy mom. And I wanted to stay one. 

I grew up with sisters so there was ALWAYS drama in my house. And even though I graduated from HS 10 years ago and left right away for college, those days of boys breaking our hearts, girls backstabbing, and my feelings always getting hurt still hit WAY too close to home. I don't think I was ready to replay that just yet. 

Deep down I wanted to continue playing in the dirt with the boys. I wanted to go fishing and teach them how to shoot a gun. 

But it took us 5 years to get pregnant. And even though I told God "I don't care what we have... I just want to be a mom"..... SO MANY TIMES... deep down my dream was to have just 1 more boy. And there it was. I got my dream. So far all boys. 

A miracle from God. Period. 

So let's recap 1st trimester. 

I immediately gained 15 lbs. Went from 115 to 130 in a matter of seconds (I felt like). 

I couldn't keep anything down, but when I could my dinner consisted of mashed potatoes and bread. Literally. Even my favorite Shakeology I couldn't stomach. 

I worked out 3 days a week consistently though. No matter what- even if I was working through a naceous feeling but always listened to my body if it said stop. 

Then came trimester 2 :) 

So I finally got my act together. My sickness went away and I felt human again. BUT, I had to slow way down with my out of control eating. 

So, I started 21Day Fix, and immediately I lost 2 lbs in 1 day. 

Now, I wasn't trying to lose weight. BUT, I went from eating crap to eating lean meats and veggies.. so that's what will happen to you. 

21DayFIX<--- It's 30 minute workouts, BUT it's based off of fitting what you can eat into a container (they provide). If it doesn't fit, you can't eat it... if it does.. you can :) SO SO SO simple and I LOVED being told WHAT to do and WHAT to eat. 

Believe me--->you can literally JUST change what you are eating and you will see a difference... just try it.   

I started doing the 21DayFIX workouts. And on the days they did Pilates and yoga (which I'm not doing) I did Body Beast arms. 

I had noticed I'd lost some strength in the first trimester, where I wasn't working out as much. So the workouts were HARD for me. I had to press pause way more than usual and really make sure my heart rate was always between 140-150 (heart rate monitor is a life saver!)

Since day 1 of my second semester I haven't stopped working out. 

BUT everything I'm doing, I was doing before. (not safe to start anything new). 

My plan for the next few weeks is this... 

I am going to finish up 21 Day Fix. 
Then I'm moving on to T25 in May (starting an online challenge group with some people like you!) using the modification for some moves I can't do, while still doing Body Beast Arms 2x a week to keep my strength up. 

I am not, nor will I ever be the girl that doesn't have to work hard to stay fit. Some people have that luxury. I am not that person. 

I gained 60 lbs with my first. I was MISERABLE coming into my third trimester. I wobbled everywhere. My ankles were so swollen my shoes didn't fit. It was the dead of summer and even with a bathing suit I felt like I had too many clothes on. 

I only worked out during my 1st trimester and it was very light. Usually the elliptical a few times a week. I wasn't educated correctly on what I could still continue doing-- so I didn't do much. 

 So, I'm pushing to not gain that with this one. (I'm 5 feet tall. 60 lbs is WAY to much for my size). 

I'm wearing size 6 jeans (I was normally a 2), and I have to be VERY careful about late night eating.

If I eat bad at night I can guarantee I'm 2 lbs heavier the next morning. <--- crazy.

So instead, I go for shakeology if I feel the urge to eat something I shouldn't. It's like a milkshake for me anyway and has WAY more nutrition in it than Id ever be able to make on my own. 

Because I gain weight so easily, I eat very plain. 

ground turkey
egg salad
turkey bacon
LOTS of eggs with salsa 
apples with PB
steamed veggies
and shakeology. 

My cheat is a hand full of dark chocolate chips 3x a week (21DayFIX approved.)

Since then, I have managed to stay the same weight for a few weeks now, which is what I was going for. 25-35 lbs is normal to gain for a pregnancy... but I'll have to CONSCIOUSLY work hard! 

Each month I host online challenge groups to help people stay motivated to workout. But honestly, it helps me JUST AS MUCH. 

Just because I'm a coach, doesn't mean I am exempt from occasionally eating ice cream or skipping a week of workouts. I am human! 

The rest of this pregnancy I'm going to post daily on my Facebook page what I'm doing so that I can hold myself accountable. I hope that it will help and inspire other moms out there......

Ones that have either just started this journey.. or need to feel like the struggles they are going through are NORMAL.

^^^ If you know anyone like that, please share this page with them! 

Until next time,
Jessica Laughter 


21 weeks