Join My Team

I am so excited that you are thinking about joining Team Beachbody!!

If you are anything like me, you start off with hesitations, but if I could just paint a picture for you for just one sec....

I was a brand new stay at home mom, husband working HARD to let me stay home, not in shape, no money to do ANYTHING extra, HUGE Dr bill from having a baby and no extra time to spend on anything else... 

but... I thought about this... 

Think about designing your OWN life. Going and doing WHEN you want to and HOW you want to.

Maybe that's staying at home with your kids and getting out of the work force.

Maybe that's paying off debt.

Maybe that's saving up for that Disney family vacation that you always wanted to take your family on.

Whatever your dream is- it can become a reality with Team Beachbody.

....I'm not just blowing smoke either... I've experience it for myself. True FREEDOM. And I'm seeing my team experience it too.

Let me tell you a few things about our team..

We are a part of the #1 team in Beachbody (called the Bombshell Dynasty)
We are mentored by the BEST in this company.
Beachbody gives you insane bonuses and incentives (I won a free cruise this year!).
I finished up #289 in the company out of 147,000 coaches (only 10 months in the business!)

I'm honestly designing the life I want to live by helping people see the potential in their fitness journey and going after it! I get an incredible discount for continuing my fitness journey as well.

What we do works. If you want to make an extra $100 a week- or would like to work this more seriously and make more like $1000 a week- I can help you map out your goals to get you there!!

Myths about coaching:
- You have to be "fit" (I was 30 lbs overweight when I started)
- You have to be a fitness professional (I'm not even close)
- You have to be good at sales (this is not a business of SALES but SHARING)
- You have to have a ton of extra time (20-30 minutes to start. done.)

We do 3 things as coaches:
- INVITE as many friends and family to get started on their health and fitness journey
- Be transparent in our own journey by using Beachbody products
- Once you see your hard work pay off, inviting people to join YOUR team as a coach and let them see the potential in this business

If you have 30 minutes, I would love to explain to what exactly I do to make money and how you can start making your dream life right now :)

Just click here


  • A 1 time fee of $40 (this is waived if you sign up as a coach and purchase a challenge pack at the same time)
  • A monthly fee of $15.95. This is for your 3 websites that Beachbody has already made for you- you just have to personalize it. 
  • To be an "active" coach each month, you must buy or sell at least 50 points (or PV = Personal Volume). So, if you are on shakeology home direct, that is 90 PV and you are covered. It's important, as a coach, to know about the products and be drinking Shakeology daily so that you can share the benefits with your customers. 


  • 25% commission off of anything you sell when someone purchases from your link.
  • You receive a 25% discount on ALL Beachbody products to enjoy for yourself. 
  • You get paid weekly.
  • No inventory- Beachbody does all that.
  • Access to 24/7 coach service.
  • Access to a TON of training, videos, and materials on how you build your business.
To Apply, fill out this Application:

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