Thursday, May 1, 2014

Meal Plan

One of the HARDEST things about living a healthy lifestyle is finding the right meal plan. 

Do you count calories? How many times do you eat a day? What can I eat? How much of this food can I have?

It's all SO confusing. 

It wasn't until the 21DayFIX came out that I actually ENJOYED figuring out what to eat each week. Let me show you how I figured out HOW much I can eat and then I'll show you WHAT I eat. 

It's easy peasy. 

So, the 21DayFix comes with 7 containers. Each container is a different size and the point is PORTION CONTROL. 

For instance, I look at how many RED containers I can have a day. And I spread them out throughout my day. 

I pack my protein into that container... and if it fits I can eat it! I'm not having to weigh my food or check the oz. I simply put the meat in there until it's full and then I usually put it into a different Tupperware for the day so I'm not using these. 

This picture below shows you HOW I find out how many containers I can have a day. There is a little equation you do to figure out which bracket you are to be in. I'm in the 1,200-1,499 bracket so I follow the containers in the FIRST column. 

Each of the colors are a certain food. SO for instance I can have:
3 Green: vegetables
2 Purple: fruit
4 Red: protein
2 Yellow: Carbs
1 Blue: Healthy Fat
1 Orange: seeds
TBS: oils

This makes it a no brainer. I mean.. you can't mess this up. AND you do not get deprived of sweets. 3x a week you can have chocolate chips and they teach you how to make Shakeology bars... a STAPLE in my house. <--- talk about a grab-and-go snack, which Kyson can have too!! :) Oh.. and you can also have WINE. 

Plus, one red container can be replaced with a Shakeology shake, which came with my 21DayFix challenge pack.  Not gonna lie... sometimes I have 2 shakes a day. NBD though :) 

So here are the examples of what you can put into each container. So many options for each color and you PICK what you WANT. 

Below is an example of a dinner I had. This is 1 Red container, 1 Green Container and 1 yellow container. 

(recipe from

1 Chicken Breast (this counted as 2 red containers for me)
Cheddar Cheese (1 blue)
Frozen Broccoli (1 green)
Onion Powder
Garlic Powder
Cayenne Pepper
Preheat oven to 350'.
I took a chicken breast and butterflied it. I placed saran wrap on top of it and started to hit it with a mallet to get the chicken thinner and the same width all over for even cooking. Once I did that, I put all the seasonings I wanted. Then I added a layer of cheese and then a layer of broccoli. Not too much or you won't be able to roll it up. 
Once its rolled up, I turn it upside down so the part where the chicken ended wouldn’t open up. I then put more seasoning on the top. If you are using an oven, I would also rub olive oil all over this at this point too.
Put in oven for 25-35 minutes or until chicken is fully cooked. Take it out and add a little more cheese on top and then melt it. This is delicious!
Here is another idea of a healthy lunch you can have! 

              Whole Wheat Pasta = 2 Yellow Tomatoes with spices = 1 Green Pepper Jack Cheese = 1 Blue

So for this time around I went to costco and bought:
10 lb bag of boneless skinless chicken
Ground Turkey
Mixed veggies
Chocolate chips
Brown Rice
Matt and I chose 2-3 things from each color container to eat for the month. We spent ONLY $159.00 (that included snacks for our son) total for this month!! That is the benefit in buying in bulk. You get WAY more for your money! PLUS, if you ONLY get what you need to set yourself up for SUCCESS... you will!!!!! 
Here is an example of a 21DayFIX meal I found that I will use for next time!

Here’s a tip from Autumn Calabrese, the creator of the 21 Day Fix. VERY IMPORTANT!!
“I received this email today, I’m not sharing the person but I am sharing the story. She is discouraged because after losing 5lbs the first week she has started to gain weight jn week two. She sent a sample of her food for yesterday. Even in the lowest calorie bracket she missed 2 green containers, 2 red containers and an orange. You CANT modify the program on your own and expect results. I’ve done all the work for you all you have to do is follow it. If you don’t eat enough your body will hold on to everything you give it and you won’t lose weight. Sometimes you will even gain. Follow the program to a T and I promise you will see results.
Lastly, I wanted to leave you with a little motivation. This is Rachel, and her 21DayFIX results. It's so easy to not eat clean... but when you do... AMAZING things can happen.

When YOU are ready, I'm ready to help you reach YOUR highest potential. I can't do this for you. You have to make the decision that you are going to start this and COMPLETE it. Don't think you are too far gone or it's too late to start. If you keep waiting... you will NEVER know what you are capable of. Plus... it's only 21 days ;) 

Email me at or find me on FB at


xoxo, Jessica