Monday, February 17, 2014

Well.... Here we go again!

I've wanted to start a blog for a LOOOOOOONG time! 

Mainly because I have had so many exciting things happen to me that I wanted to share then with everyone.... and I was getting writers cramp trying to jot them all down in my journal. 

But this blog is starting WAY sooner than I thought because... well, we are PREGNANT. 

Yep. Pregnant. 

And this time... it was a surprise!

If you are close to us, you may know our looooong journey with infertility. 

Trying to have a baby for 5 years... getting pregnant 3 times... losing them... then our miracle came, who is now 16 months old. 

I can't tell you how many tears we've cried, sleepless nights Ive had, prayers I've prayed BEGGING God to let us be parents... and ALL in his timing. Which sometimes I want to hit people when they say "It's all in God's timing." 

Of course, I know that... but it doesn't take the pain away. 

Well, we have had our HANDS full with our son, Kyson. He hasn't slept through the night in... well, ever! 

We have tried every trick in the book- I've read every book- I've stood on my head.. and still can't get him to have a good night sleep. (thought thank you JESUS is it getting better.)

So, Matt and I joked that we wanted at least a year of sleeping through the night for ourselves before we even THOUGHT about trying for another one. 

And well, we steered CLEAR of that little ovulation day. Even to the point where I downloaded a tracker so that I could make sure we weren't going to have ANY surprises... 


We are SO EXCITED God has decided it's time for us to be parents again. When I got over the shock, I was truly moved to tears that we weren't going to have to travel the road of infertility again. 

I cry EVERY time a girl tells me that she can't get pregnant. I don't understand it and it's just not fair. I KNOW... because I was her. ---> I'll share our complete story on another blog. 

But I am READY to share my journey with the world...

The GOOD--- the BAD-- and the ugly...

My goal this time around is to be as FIT as I possibly can. I was NOT the first go-round. Gained 60 lbs and was a walking whale towards the end. I was miserable. 

I have to be honest, I haven't started off great. I was SICK AS A DOG the first trimester. Throwing up and nauseous as can be. Eating anything that I could keep down... so at this point I've gained 10 lbs (gasp!) but I'm in a good place and ready to SLOW this train down a little. 

So glad you are here to follow! And if you know of anyone (mom or mom to be) that would benefit from this blog then PLEASE share with them <3 

^^^This was around 12 weeks. I'm almost 15 weeks now. 

(goodbye abs... at least for 6 more months)