Saturday, August 9, 2014

39 week pregnant update

These 2 pregnancies have been different in a lot of ways. 

First of all... the girl on the left never got sick while pregnant. I felt great the entire time and worked out until the 3rd trimester. 

I did, however, eat whatever I wanted to make sure that I didn't DIDN'T get sick. (I have a phobia of throwing up, lol)

PROBABLY the reason I gained 60 lbs!

I was also coaching middle school cheerleading up until the day I delivered. So, being outside (in the heat of the summer) I would come home so swollen that my feet felt like I was walking around in casts. 

I was a constantly a water buffalo. 

Fast forward to this pregnancy...I said I was going to do it WAY different. 

I thought I would workout up until the day I delivered. 

I thought I'd eat fruit and veggies the entire time and be this perfect looking pregnant girl who wore skinny jeans & makeup everyday. 

Boy, was I mistaken. 

From the day I found out I was pregnant, I was sick. 

I ate an entire box of mashed potatoes one night and thought... this is NOT starting off like I had wanted. 

Once the first trimester was over, I had gained 10 lbs, which was WAY more than you should during that time. 

I continued working out, and decided I wanted to try Brazil Butt Lift. 

Well, at this point my belly was bigger than normal, and I thought using 5 lb weights on each leg was me just being super woman.


While doing one of leg lifts, I pulled something. 

I felt it, but decided to keep going because I thought I had just lifted my leg too fast. 


1 week later I could not stand on it without falling to the ground. Trying to put pressure on it just to put my pants on sent me into tears. 

I couldn't get out of the car without practically falling to the ground and I had to crawl around the house if I wanted to get anywhere fast. 

So- the plan of me getting back into my skinny jeans anytime soon had gone to crap. 

The ONLY thing I did differently this time that I did NOT do my first pregnancy was drink Shakeology.

It completely fueled my body and gave me energy that I did not have the first go round.

It gave me all the vitamins I needed, and I knew it was safe for me and baby (after getting the OK from my doc.)

I own a business, and I have a 1 year old, and I have a house to maintain, and a husband.

Propping my feet up and letting these 10 months of pregnancy just slowly go by was not an option. 

So shakeology was my lifesaver. 

I decided to drink vanilla, because of the low amount of vitamin A, and when I didn't feel like vanilla, I added 100% cocoa & made it chocolate. :)

Despite not being able to workout, I haven't gained as much weight, and I owe that to my nutrition this time. 

Who cares if you can't work out. But eating healthy is a game changer between feeling tired and lousy all the time and feeling like you can still conquer the world.. which is how I feel today at 39 1/2 weeks pregnant! 

If Shakeology is something that you want to try, even for just 30 days (because there is a bottom of the bag guarantee) then contact me through email ( I can get you low cost on shipping and what in the world do you have to lose? 

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