Saturday, June 27, 2015

A HUGE opportunity!!

A little over 2 years ago, I found my DREAM JOB. It was absolutely LIFE CHANGING for me and my family!! I want to share this with you because I never thought this would do anything for my family... but 2 years ago I decided that I wanted something MORE for my family... and I haven't looked back. 

When I had my first child, we had decided I was going to be a stay at home mom, but that decision didn't come easy as there was a LOT of sacrifice financially. 

I knew NOTHING about this business when I started. I was 30 lbs overweight from having my second son, and I was in DESPERATE need for accountability in my own life. I was not a nutritionist and I was a college drop out... Who would have thought that THAT person could have made it?? 

BUT, I had the desire to learn, and I was very DRIVEN by my husband and kids. 

And what happened shortly after that was absolutely amazing. I jumped in with both feet. I had NOTHING to lose! 

So, now it's time for me to look for people who are LIKE ME to train up to be entrepreneurs themselves. People who don't think they have a clue where to start.. I want to SHOW you how to make a 6-figure income. 

If you are wondering what traits I am looking for, they are:

- You must like to help people
- You must like working with people
- You must be open to learning
- You must want to be surrounded by positive, supportive people
- You must want to earn 6 figures
- You must think you were put on this earth to do more and make a difference in people's lives! 

I was asked, just like I am asking you, to join a fitness accountability group online, because I needed to lose 30 more lbs. I found a program that took me only 30 minutes a day, and I lost 30 lbs in 2 months of hard work and dedication to my end result

At age 27, I had found my passion. To help mama's feel confident and STRONG (not skinny) so that they can be and provide what they need to for their family. 

Fast forward to today: I have a growing & thriving business where I lead people who want to lose weight & get healthier through their own transformations, AND I mentor less-experienced coaches to do what I do. I am proud to be one of the top 2% of Beachbody Coaches! 

If this is something that you are even slightly interested in then please fill out this very short application so that we can chat more!

You have NOTHING to lose except your BIG DREAMS! 

xoxo, Jessica 

Friday, June 5, 2015

My Weight Loss Journey

Some people hear that I weighed 171 lbs at one point and gasp. I have not always been small! (remember I'm 5 feet tall!)

I was an athlete my entire life... but freshman 15 got me pretty bad (yikes!!). I gained that plus a little more my freshman year in college (pic on the left).

I was 14 hours away from my family, and food was comfort for me.

Even though I was a collegiate athlete, I would go to food when I was happy, sad, studying... everything. I was super self conscious, tired ALL THE TIME, and had a VERY unhealthy view of food.

When I got married I felt the best I had EVER felt at 120 lbs. I felt confident, I had energy, and I felt strong. Not skinny... but strong!! (which is WAY more important to me than skinny.)

When I got pregnant, the lbs came on quickly. I weighed 171 lbs the day I had my first son. I realized it was a BLESSING but a LOT OF WORK to take care of a baby & I was VERY uncomfortable carrying around that extra weight.

I could feel it weighing on me in all areas of my life.

Then, I lost ALL my baby weight in 3 months with Insanity and Shakeology, just to put it right back on again with the birth of my 2nd child. I ate super clean this pregnancy and still gained 50 lbs!

That brings me to today.

9 months after the birth of my 2nd son and I have been able to hike up mountains, run races, do pull ups (never could pre-kids!), become an Insanity instructor, also start and COMPLETE 3 more Beachbody programs!!

I have stretch marks (that I will cherish forever) and saggy skin, but feeling confident has bled into my other God given responsibilities that I have and that's to be the best wife and mom that I can be.

I feel confident.

I can chase my kids.

I can run at the pool and not feel like sitting on the sideline.

It's NOT about skinny for me... it's about being the best version of MYSELF that I can be for my husband and my kids.

And what was the game changer???
The decision to start. That's all.

Did I need to have a personal training degree? no
Did I need to know all the macros needed & how many oz of chicken to eat in order to burn through the fat of the breakfast I just had. um, no.
Did I need a gym membership? no
Did I need to invest hundreds of dollars in stuff that never worked? no (but I'm sure I have.)

All I did was spend $160 on 30 days of Shakeology and a workout program and actually FOLLOWED THE MEAL PLAN to see the results I wanted.

Motivation + Accountability with my challengers = SUCCESS.

PLUS the lifelong friendship I've made from mommies all around the world is PRICELESS to me.

Thank you JESUS for allowing me to find my PASSION & to be able to always pay it forward to other mommies, both physically and financially, for their family.